Inspections and Types
From OSHKY Knowledge Library
Types of Inspections
- For a list of the current year's General Schedule lists, go to: [null H:\General Schedule Lists]
- Complaint
- Referral
- Imminent Danger
- Accidents
- Fatalities
- Catastrophes
NOTE: Signed employee and employer statements for evidence on Accidents, Fatalities, and Catastrophes.
Multi-Employer Worksites
- Complete the MEW worksheet to determine Creating, Controlling, Exposing, and Correcting employers.
- At the beginning of the report, add “Related Contractors Identification” sheet. Details related employers and inspection #’s.
Casefile Organization
- [Insert information concerning where to place originals and where to place copies of items such as sampling sheets, rough work notes, programs, etc. Whether to make references to other reports instead of copies…?]
State/City/County Government
- Notification to Supervisor, Program Manager, and Director
- Email notification is required so that all management personnel are fully informed in case of interagency or outside contact. (per Hutcherson's email 10/4/13)
- Provide agency name, physical location, and the nature of the inspection.